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Friday, June 12, 2009

*Bits & Pieces* 1.31am

Okays! I'm back. haha.. Today a very thing happened. I got to meet up with Jian Wei n Alan after so long! haha.. and of cuz Cindy, Jiawen n Kelly. We went to celebrate Alan's n Jian Wei's bday! We went to Mad Jack at paradiz. It was meant to be a surprise for them. Kelly n I will hang ard and 'coincidentally' bump into Jian Wei @ PS, then aft tt walk to Cathay to 'coincidentally' bump into Cindy n Alan. haha.. then Jia Wen will be waiting with a cake there. Lol. we managed to trick Jian Wei, but think Alan was suspecting smth. hahaha

Tml there's vball training! yay! :] so happy. can't wait to play. then tml morn oso going to meet Caiyan! yay! so long nvr see her le. miss her much too! :] Oh i went for the F1 and APEC ambassador interview just now. All went well.. hopefully can get in.

Hehh.. what else. Oh. Kelly, Jiawen n me cfm going Thailand le! on 22 July. :] yay! can go find Mike :] then... i got an iphone le! hehehe! Kelly n Jiawen have 1 each too! then we will be bringing them to BKK. lol! Then last last week met up with Seow n Xin to have a chat. Though short, but laugh til i nearly died. haha.. it's always so fun to meet up with them.

Vietnam trip is cfm too! 11th -14th. haha.. then then then.. hmm what else. sorry i'm just randomly updated my life, too many things to say le, since so long didn't update. I finished 4 treks le, 2 Ophir, 1 Datuk and 1 Stong. Last one is BCL coming week. last trek as a Rovers Comm member le! abit mixed feelings. :] but really glad we became closer b4 everything ends.

I miss 2/4 too! and we have an outing 5th July! yay!!! can't wait! :]

I miss Poly days. esp camp prep days. haha...

k i must go do trek report le. haha.. :]

~ { Friday, June 12, 2009 }
aiming for the sky above;

Sunday, April 05, 2009

*Blog! Don't Die on Me!* 4.40pm

i know why i'm blogging so little. it's all becuz of Facebook! FB is such a bad influence! grrr... it cause you to slp late, not study, and turn into a comp geek. im not going to log in for 12 hrs! hmph.

ohh. i went to bai bai just now. Finally aft so longg... then went to eat at AMK Hub and went with family to SPCA! :] brought them there. their 1st time! :] i didn't go for 2 weeks and so many doggies changed! and Handsome is finally PENDING!!!!!!! :] im somewhat happy also somewhat sad. means i won't see him when i go back aft exams le.. no more place for me to sit n slack with him :( but i'm really happy la. cuz he's finally going to be adopted aft so many years of waiting! :] really hope he goes into a happy family and live a blissful life there. he deserves it! :]

i don't know if i'm ready for this committment. but definitely not nw. nw is exams time. maybe i will aft exams :]

hmm wat else. lemme see. oh i love vball to bits la. love the action of it all! it's really a skill rather than stamina game. u dun need much stamina i guess. (@ least nt for the standard we are playing at nw) cuz we don't do much spikes and all.

i played mixed again last week. and Zi Jun got set a few times for me to spike. Finally got it over! :] and im more confident nw at upper hand serves. can do it during matches le! :] woots im so happy. i look forward to training every week! :] we also played captain's ball during training last week! wahahhaa! Ting Ting suggested. of cuz i'm in for it! much more tiring than vball la! hahha.. everyone peng shan aft tt. hahah! :]

then last week went fishing with Nicholas. we caught a pufferfish! lol. it was really quite fun! i missed all the times i went fishing with Wenjie, Jason they all! :] i'm going to get a rod aft exams and i will con't my fishing days!!! :]

hao la. i go study le! i'm so slack. bth! tata! :]

~ { Sunday, April 05, 2009 }
aiming for the sky above;

Sunday, March 29, 2009

*BLOG* 11.17pm

i keep wanting to blog smth. but i don't know wat to blog about. haha. so i shall do a random one.

hmm.. WORK! work was fun!!! haahha b4 work ytd went to Weihao n Kyla to makan @ Vivo. then we had a great chat! lol. chats with Weihao always only leads to one topic. haha.. Weihao had 2pm shift so he left 1st. Kyla n me went to shop ard n nua @ Macs to chat! :]

then i went to work n did upstairs with Chinwee, n Weihao i/c of lounge. we had a great chat too!! lol. Weihao keep asking me to ask CW smth. so I asked lo. They Weihao keep saying I change til very not innocent. lol. Zzzz...

then i can do upperhand serves le! yay! wahhhaa.. budden nt v good still. my serves too easy to catch. haha.. must learn proper spikes liao!

oh i finally had a mixed match with the guys. my team consists of Michelle, Cindy, ME, Joel, Zi Jun and Ignatius. Budden it's so different when playing with the guys. i was totally confused. cuz their positions keep changing. but i can say it's an eye opener la. Joel keep giving me chances to spike, but i just cannot the get the ball tru'. :( and one time i was even stoning! :S i was just too confused liao. omg. hahha.. budden i shall practise more!!! :] i must do the SPIKE!!! wahahaa

and wat else. hmm.. exams are coming! must STUDY!!! I MUST!!! im so super lazy lo. omg. haiz.

ok i shall go study nw! lol!

~ { Sunday, March 29, 2009 }
aiming for the sky above;

Saturday, March 28, 2009

*:( ???*

am i?

i don't know.

lol. it's okay. im okay :]

i will be okay.

~ { Saturday, March 28, 2009 }
aiming for the sky above;

Friday, March 13, 2009

*I'm sorry I'd ignored you for 2 months* 12.08am

Omg. I totally had nt visitd my blog for nearly 2 months! not even come in to take a look til today! lol. the last post I had updated was in wordpress. And I'm still thinking of a way to transfer all my archive into wordpress before I reveal the address. haha

Anyways. I have been busy with school work, volunteer work, and helping friends with projects. Mostly venturing into Biology stuff. And I had finally became a SPCA volunteer after 4 years of missed chances! haha.. I look forward to going there for my shift everytime! I love to sit in the den and just fuss over the dogs. I love the authority given to us to hold the kittens. haha! :]

I had a few exposures to marine life n forestry work. Though sometimes it's hardwork, but I'm quite happy doing the work. All these exposure makes me even more certain that Biology is the field tt I want to venture into. But i really wish there are more modules on animals, vertebrate. and i really can't stand organic chem. zzZzz

oh i've finally joined Vball with Wens too! it's really fun! destressing every week. :]

Anyways I'm really happy about many things. haha.. I shall update u again! lol

~ { Friday, March 13, 2009 }
aiming for the sky above;

Thursday, January 22, 2009

*Does school have a meaning?* 10.46pm

im blogging again! lol. nowadays i like to use "lol" in my web n sms conversation. i used to try to avoid tt term. however i think it suits me quite well as i'm really lol-ing when i typed tt. haha...

anyways i have a quiz tml. and it's only the 2nd week! omg. so sucky rights? typical of me to blog when i shld be studying. lol. it's biodiversity. the module that i "should" like best. the keyword here is should. well.. but nw it's on microbiology. well it's not tt bad. i still have abit of interest in tt. but can't wait for the animal part to come. haha..

i have a v busy day tml. although my timetable nw is like damn damn slack. but i won't catch a wink of sleep til chu xi yei! means i can't shou shui. well it's nt as if we ever does tt, but at least we stayed up til late! tml lesson til 7pm, 7.30pm meeting the 2 JWs, then 10pm meeting Rovers ppl @ ECP, then night cycling til morning meeting friends for breakfast, then 12.30pm appointment, then meeting Wens & Jing shopping, then working from 6-2am @ Settlers. *HORRIFIED* i will look so ugly on Chu 1! 0_0

and i wont catch much slp later either! cuz im here blogging while I shld really be studying. omg. i suck. lol. okays i will come back soon k! ciao!

~ { Thursday, January 22, 2009 }
aiming for the sky above;

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

*I'm leaving on a jetplane and counting down to xmas mid air* 1pm

yay! i'm leaving for Australia tml night! less than 48hrs time. hehes. looking forward! :]

i have also checked my results this morning. I'm quite okay with it. although it isnt fantastic. but well, it's abit above my expectations. so i'm alrites :] i have rather low expectations cuz of work and study. thought i cldn't make it. But now, i'm glad i'm given a 2nd chance! I have quit my job at the Night Safari. Gonna concentrate on studies and training myself up the whole of next sem. really looking 4ward to it :] i wanna see hw well i can push myself to do. :]

Well, it was quite sad when i left the Night Safari. But i will try my best to keep in contact with Boon, Jessiy, Mel, Mark and friends! :] Anyways they gave me a splashing goodbye gift. they threw me into the YUCKY moat!!! haha. it was damn disgusting can! full of algae and tadpole and many other things.. omg.

but i really enjoyed my time working there. although there were really alot of Ups and Downs. Well, but it is a once in a lifetime experience. and i will nvr forget all the times we spent 'bitching' about ppl and getting 'screwed' upside down by the Big 4s... haha.. those are the languages i learn there. Im just glad I know and found real good friends there. :]

I will definitely miss the animals too. Didn't get a chance to do Snake or Bird Photo b4 i leave. But i did kiss Mei and Toby, Naomi goodbye. :] I will miss the Thumbuakar dancers too. But Baby and Jane is leaving too. And some of the GRs. well.... all good things have to come to an end. i'm looking forward to my future too! all the new things i can try, the times i can spend catching up with friends and back to Settlers! :]

alrites. im going now. going to watch Twilight :]

Everything will be kept inside my heart til i can no longer remember :]

~ { Tuesday, December 23, 2008 }
aiming for the sky above;